Thursday, January 3, 2008

Preparations for Africa

So, I thought it would be a good idea to update my vaccinations and see if I needed any new ones before heading to Africa. Turns out that was a good idea. Based on my potential travel itinerary, it was recommended that I get vaccinations for Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Yellow Fever, Polio and a Tetanus booster. Three series of shots and I will be all set. They also called in a perscription for anti-malarial drugs and an antibiotic I can take with me. I was shocked to find the co-pay for the anti-malarial drug was $50 (that was the co-pay!), but I guess it sure beats getting malaria, so I will just suck that one up.

I checked out the holidays in SA and it seems that Good Friday and Easter Monday are recognized holidays, so I am thinking that might be the perfect weekend to take a trip up to Victoria Falls. I don't want to pass up the opportunity to see one of God's Seven Natural Wonders of the World. Cross your fingers that I can make that happen and you can be sure I will post lots of pictures!

Folks have been asking when I will be leaving. The short answer is "I'm not sure." Right now, it is looking like the end of February, but I am hoping to know more this week. The project I have been working on in LA since August will not wrap up until February 15th. So, stay tuned. All I can do for now is prepare as much as I can in advance.

Happy New Year! 2008 is already shaping up to be an adventure!


Tom D. said...

Faith! Holy High School, Batman! How iz you? It was great to see your response on Jane's Blog so I thought I'd respond to you on yours. Drop me a line anytime at Sounds like you're remarkably busy. I'm psyched to hear. Hope this finds you well. Best, Tom L.

Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Hi Faith (and Tom!),

Here I am again marveling at the *good* use of the internet to reconnect old friends. Wow!

Anyway, good luck with the shots Faith, take some tylenol BEFORE you get them. It'll take the edge off.

Talk to you later,

Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Hi Faith,

I left you a little "love" over on my blog!
