Thursday, April 26, 2007

Virtual Stitch

Among the many things I miss at home, is the opportunity to attend "Stitch Night" at my friend Cheryl's with the girls. It is sometimes the only opportunity I have to work on my cross-stitch or needlepoint projects (plural - there are always more than one!) and I have the added benefit of catching up with old (and new) friends from Talbots. Sometimes Cheryl's husband Bill cooks dinner and then I get to add a home-cooked (delicious) meal to the evening! What could be better? So, since Stitch Night is usually on Tuesdays, I have implemented "Virtual Stitch Night" where I will do my stitching from my hotel room and send them pictures each week with my progress. We'll see how that goes. At the moment, I am trying to find a needlework shop in Manchester so I can see what the English have to offer. No luck yet. I know there are some in the surrounding towns and certainly in London, but I need another project like I need a hole in the head. :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Missing you Faith. I have not been very motivated to stitch lately. Went to Cheryl's last week and Bill made Pork Chops with a special sauce. It was very yummy. I forgot my glasses and can not see a thing with the contacts in. Wish we could have "selfish" stitch.