Friday, February 22, 2008

Are we there yet?????

No, really - are we there YET? Well, if I am blogging, I must be somewhere with an internet connection. We landed, safe and sound in Cape Town this morning. It was a long, long, trip; I will blog more details and post some pictures tomorrow. But for those that have been wondering and praying for our safe travels, we are at the guesthouse in Brekenfell. We are meeting for breakfast in the morning, working for a few hours and then meeting a business associate for lunch. Hopefully we will do some sightseeting in the afternoon.


Unknown said...

Glad to know that you have arrived.You left just in time . It has bben snowing all day. Sweet dreams, Love Kathy

Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Happy Landings! I guess it's not as *third* world as it might seem, eh? ;-)

Talk to you soon~
God Bless,
Jane and co.

Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Thanks for the package! I got it yesterday.'ve been tagged!


Anonymous said...

Did you do some sightseeing of the inside of your eyelids???? I'm glad you guys got there.