Monday, June 18, 2007

A License for your TV?

There's a small billboard outside the office in Manchester that I see every day on my walk to and from work. They recently changed the billboard and the new message is essentially that "they" have a database and know where ALL the TVs are in Britain and to make sure you have a license for your TV.

A license for your TV???? OK, I'll bite. So I asked one of the Brits I work with what that is all about, and sure enough, you need a license for every TV in your home. The fee is 200GBP (approx. $400) a year - per TV.

Evidently, the licensing fee is used to fund the BBC. The BBC does not show any commercials.

So, there is your British trivia for today.


Anonymous said...

Do you have an age limit, and a T.V test to take too? ;-) At least you don't have any anoying commercials!!!

Faith said...

You're right Kate - no commericals. And folks don't mind paying the license fee over here - they appreciate the "no commericals" policy and they are just used to paying the fee. Someone else told me, though, that the fee is more like 125 GBP instead of 200 GBP.