Friday, June 8, 2007


I was talking to one of the project team members the other day that reminded me about something else I should post about the life of a consultant.....

Natasha was telling me how she cannot sleep without it being completely dark in the room. She has room darkening shades, wood blinds AND curtains on the window, which she closes every night. She still sees light peeking through (it is light in Manchester until about 10:00 these days) and has to tuck the curtains around the window to block the light.

I, on the other hand, have developed the ability to sleep soundly through the night with ALL the lights on in the room. No problem. I developed this ability out of necessity. Spending as much time in hotels as I do - I have, on occasion, woken up in the middle of the night with NO idea where I was. In fact, I remember a particular occasion earlier this year when I sat straight up in bed, my heart **racing** because I had NO idea where I was. For one seemed like minutes (but was probably only seconds), I stared at a lamp on the other side of the room, wondering where in the world I was. After a few seconds/minutes of panic, I realized I was in my own room, at HOME! I fell back to the bed and was asleep within seconds.

So, although I don't **need** a nightlight, maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea.......

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