Monday, June 4, 2007

The life of a consultant

I was just talking to a friend/co-worker who told me that at a previous project, he and his team had concocted a list: "You know you have been a consultant too long when..." He could not remember everything on their list, but I decided to start my own....

1) You refer to the hotel as "home."
2) You dial "9" before making a phone call - from HOME (I have a really funny story about this one - ask me about it sometime).
3) You have memorized your credit card number, expiration date and that little security code they ask you for now.
4) You have memorized your most frequently used Frequent Flier account, know exactly how many miles you have in said account and the number of miles necessary to reach the next level of "status." The same holds true for your favorite hotel account.
5) Your mailman is more familiar with your travel schedule than your family and close friends.
6) Being home on "Garbage Day" is a reason for pure excitement (my garbage day is on Wednesday. Now I ask you - when was the last time I was home on a WEDNESDAY?)
7) The term "vacation" is most cherished when it has nothing to do with a hotel reservation.
8) Being home long enough to actually unpack and put the suitcase away in the closet feels strange.

I am sure I could come up with a few more if I thought about it..... or feel feel to contribute you own. I am quite confident there are some blog readers who can relate to this.......


Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Hi Faith,
I can't relate at all because the idea of going to a hotel, not being home for Garbage Day/Night, and let me add to your list having the local restaurant know what you mean when you order "the regular" leaves me feeling slightly giddy!

But seriously, I agree with your underlying Dorothy-esque theme, "There's no place like home!"

See you soon!

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