Tuesday, June 26, 2007

The Name Game

One of the folks at my client started asking me yesterday about the names of English cities and towns that also exist in the U.S., specifically in New England. He started firing off names from England and I fired back their U.S. counterparts. We came up with quite a list in just a few minutes:

Plymouth, MA (of course!)
Gloucester, MA
Worcester, MA
Manchester, NH
Bristol, RI
Portsmouth, RI
Dover, MA
Weymouth, MA
Boston, MA
Cambridge, MA
Brighton, MA
NEW London, CT
Derby, CT
Norwich, CT
NEW York
Birmingham, AL

There were several others. In fact, the only 2 I could not think of U.S. counterparts for were Leeds and Liverpool - is there a Liverpool anywhere in the U.S.??

Can any of you blog readers add to the list? Get out your Atlas!

1 comment:

Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Can you puh-leeze just get out of that crazy place ASAP. We've been watching the news all weekend and trying to remember if you're in Scotland or not...Keep your head down and don't talk to strangers.

Jane and the rest of the ark